3-P's Corporate Responsibility
The Challenge: Finding Safe, Socially Compliant Products Made with Minimal Harm to the Environment
The supply chain that is used to bring branded products to market can span the globe and involve many different factories. We sort through our industry network of more than 3,000 suppliers and millions of products to find supply chains that have best in class sourcing policies and procedures.
Many factories are in countries with lower wages and sometimes also a higher risk for abuses in the areas of sustainability, social compliance and product safety. The primary benefit of shifting supply chains to low wage countries has been lower prices. The costs of this globalization vary depending on how it’s impacted you. In our industry it has sparked emerging challenges including knowing that the products printed with our clients brand are safe to use, workers rights are protected and the environment is not damaged, during the production of our products. Because the business of manufacturing is very fluid, we cannot guarantee against abuses in all areas. What we are doing is building an infrastructure of best practices that severely limit risk in these areas.

Planet - Sustainable Practices Initiative
Products that are made with minimum harm to the environment.
*See our Environmental Sustainability Policy on our website.

People - Social Compliance Initiative
Throughout our operations and our partner supply chains, deliver products that are made by workers whose rights are respected.
*See our Human Rights Policy and Code of Conduct on our website.
Our Core Beliefs, Priorities and Business Ethics
The underpinning to our 3-P Initiatives is our business ethics
Our goal is to foster a culture of compliance and ethical behavior that extends across all levels of our business, ensuring we meet and exceed legal and industry standards.
*See our Business Ethics Policy Statement in our Code of Conduct.